Saturday, July 12, 2008

A New Look And A New Beginning

After not posting anything in about six months, I decided to delete my previous blog and start anew. I kept the same URL and blog title, but everything else is brand spanking new. Why the drastic change you might ask? I was reading some of my old posts and saw a lot of negativity in them, which I really didn't like. Yes, they were real events that occurred, but I was falling into a pattern of focusing on the bad things, especially the breakup with my girlfriend, which is the past and needs to be buried.

Another factor in my decision to start over with my blog was the fact that others I know who also blog are living in far better environments than myself and are actually making something of their lives. I want to be somebody making something of his life instead of wasting away in a rehab hospital. I have to face my fears and overcome them if I truly wish to have a chance at a somewhat normal life beyond the comforting walls of this institution that has been my home since August 14, 1990.

I took a major step in making a new beginning for myself by a finally speaking to my pulmonary doctor about seeing a ENT specialist to find out if there is something that can be done about the air leakage around my trach stoma. I'm trying to remain positive that he/she will be able to find a solution to this long time problem. Although it's only a consult, I have been having some anxiety about it. I actually went as far as trying to change the time of the appointment because it's scheduled at 8am, which is very early for me and means that the daily routine that I've become accustomed to will be shaken up a bit. This is something that I'll need to get used to I really want a shot at living in the community one day.

Everyone in the world is faced with inconveniences and they manage just fine. Now it's time for me to face some inconveniences of my own and join the rest of the world.




Josh Winheld said...

Good luck! I'm trying to make changes in my life as well. It's not easy, but hopefully it will be worth it.

Jason G said...

Good Luck Chris! I have faith in you! Let me know if you need any help.

mark said...

Keep at it and stay strong! Mark

Unknown said...


Read your me angry at MDA. You should not be there. I would love to be of help in any way I can.
Im 53yo with Limb-Girdle[DMD ?] using vent 11 yrs. Im a physician, so if I can give any advice or help, please don't hesitate. The stoma leakage problem should be easy to remedy..keep up the pressure on your docs. This should be the first step to getting out of that place. You've been there too long, are too young and have lots of living too do. However i don't underestimate the difficulty you face
